George Pyrounakis

George Pyrounakis

Tour & Merchandise Manager
Embracing Self-Care: A Lifeline for Those with ADHD

Embracing Self-Care: A Lifeline for Those with ADHD

Living with ADHD can often feel like navigating a never-ending storm. The relentless demands on our attention, the constant battle
3 min read
Navigating a Low-Budget Band Tour: Essential Tips and Strategies

Navigating a Low-Budget Band Tour: Essential Tips and Strategies

I decided to write this article to explore a potential touring scenario for a small band with a minimal budget,
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The Punch-Bag of the Music World :The Promoter

The Punch-Bag of the Music World :The Promoter

In the bustling world of live music, concerts, and events, there is one key figure working tirelessly behind the scenes
3 min read
The Uninvited Guests: A Crew’s Guide to Roasting Guest List Freeloaders (and How to Make Amends)

The Uninvited Guests: A Crew’s Guide to Roasting Guest List Freeloaders (and How to Make Amends)

Every music event has them: the freeloaders who somehow snagged a spot on the guest list without being actual business
3 min read
The Power of Band Merchandise: Amplifying Awareness and Fostering Fan Connection

The Power of Band Merchandise: Amplifying Awareness and Fostering Fan Connection

In the music industry, merchandise is a crucial element in building a band's brand and nurturing a devoted
3 min read
Why solely using the album cover for Merchandise, isn't the best idea

Why solely using the album cover for Merchandise, isn't the best idea

Using the album cover for merchandise, might not be the way to go, especially for new and upcoming artists. Let&
2 min read
Elevating Your Band Merchandise: Why Design Matters

Elevating Your Band Merchandise: Why Design Matters

Today, let's dive into a topic that's crucial for any emerging band: merchandise. Now, you might
2 min read
Common Mistakes Bands make..

Common Mistakes Bands make..

...When Striving for Breakthrough Success The journey to success in the music industry is a challenging one, and many bands
2 min read
"10 Essential Tips for First-Time Tour Bus Travelers"

"10 Essential Tips for First-Time Tour Bus Travelers"

Embarking on a musical tour is an exhilarating experience, and the tour bus becomes your home away from home. To
2 min read
Tour Essentials ;))))))))

Tour Essentials ;))))))))

Howdy there! I've put together a quick list of must-haves for anyone looking to rock the road dog
2 min read