7 Tips to Sell More Music Merchandise at Live Events

As an up-and-coming musician, selling music merchandise at live events is one of the best ways to increase your income. From t-shirts to albums and stickers, having a selection of attractive items for sale can help you engage with your audience and ensure each show leaves a lasting impression. Here are seven key strategies you should consider if you're looking for tips to help you sell out quickly at your next gig.
Get to know your fans
Connecting with your fans is essential. It allows you to build relationships and foster loyalty and gives you a better understanding of what kind of merchandise they're likely to buy. After all, fans are far more likely to purchase merchandise if it reflects their values, interests and style - something you can only learn by getting to know them better. So take the time to discover who they are and what they stand for. From there, you can design custom merchandise that speaks directly to them. Whether that's T-shirts featuring their favourite lyrics or eco-friendly bags in their preferred colours and cuts, learning the likes of your fans will help you create irresistible products that meet their needs. Doing so isn't only good for business. It also helps to strengthen the bond between you and your audience and show that you care about delivering value beyond just music.
Get a professional designer
Crafting a unique and eye-catching music merchandise design is no small task. It requires the mastery of both artistry and technical skill to create something truly special. Given this complexity, enlisting the help of a professional designer can be the best way to ensure your merchandise looks precisely how you envision it. Not only will they be able to capture your artistic vision, but they will also guide you in creating something that looks stunning on whatever material you choose. With their creative expertise and technical understanding of the design process, bringing in a professional designer for your next project could make all the difference.
Offer a wide variety of items
Music fans are passionate and loyal, often showing up to a venue early to pick out their favourite spot in the crowd and buy merchandise. And when you offer a wide selection of merchandise, it can add to the overall experience for your fans.
From t-shirts and vinyl records to posters and hats, fans love having something tangible they can take home to help keep the memory alive and show off their appreciation. Not only that, but giving fans a large selection of choices helps increase the chances that they will find something they love and want to add to their collection.
Keep your prices in line with what people are willing to pay
Pricing your merchandise can be tricky, but you should remember two key things: affordability and profit margin. You want your fans to buy as many items as possible, so you need to be sure that the prices you set for your merchandise are affordable for them. At the same time, though, if you price too low, you may not profit enough from the sale. It’s essential to strike a balance that works for both of you here. So, take some time to consider your merchandise costs and price your items accordingly.
Make sure your merch table is visible and easy to find
Having a well-stocked merch table is one of the most critical aspects of your shows. It allows you to get your name out there and connect with your fans, and it also helps you make some extra money. That's why you should ensure that your merch table is well-designed and easy to spot at shows:
- Make sure that the table is visible to customers. Setting up in a high-traffic venue area can help draw attention and entice potential customers.
- Good lighting can help showcase your items and make them more appealing to shoppers.
- Arrange everything neatly so people can easily browse through your products without feeling overwhelmed or confused.
Promote your merchandise on social media and your website before and after your shows
While shows can be incredibly effective for generating sales, you can also benefit from promoting your products on your social media and website before and after the performance. Posting photos of the merchandise before the show helps to create anticipation while letting fans know what items are available, making it easier for them to decide which ones they want to buy. After the performance, social media posts about merchandise can increase demand for unsold items and raise awareness of your brand. Additionally, displaying links on your website where fans can purchase items is a great way to stay connected with your audience long after the show has ended.
Hire a Merchandise Manager
Hiring a merchandise manager may be the best way to leverage your merchandise to its fullest potential. This person can help you organise, strategise, and execute merchandising plans, leveraging the right products and services to maximise revenue. A merchandise manager has the expertise to determine which items should be sold at specific events or venues and when they should be available. They can also manage inventory levels and stock changes, allowing you to stay current with ever-changing styles and trends.
A merchandise manager can get creative about unique offerings that create an experience for customers before, during, and after the events. All these factors make hiring a merchandise manager one of the most important decisions you can make regarding your business. So, if you are looking for a merchandise manager, please get in touch to discuss your merch needs in more detail.